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    jammy23's Avatar
    jammy23 Posts: 545, Reputation: 0
    Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2017, 05:37 AM
    Buying PC Windows 7
    In my advanced age (over 70) I find learning new technology stuff is very
    Difficult for me. I prefer the familiar.

    I want to buy a new PC but I don't want Windows 10. I have Windows
    7 and that's what I want to buy. Am I asking the impossible.

    My old PC was scammed. I had to cancel credit cards, credit info, bank
    Account, etc. Nothing came of it although my computer stopped working.
    I sent it to my old reliable tech where I use to live. He cleaned it up,
    Got rid of the footprints from the fake AOL, etc. and when he sent it
    Back, I would turn it on and it would cut off soon after. It didn't work.
    That's why I need a new computer.
    WallyHelps's Avatar
    WallyHelps Posts: 1,018, Reputation: 136
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    Jun 12, 2017, 06:04 AM
    Microsoft will provide security updates for Windows 7 for only 3 more years (Jan. 2020), so you may want to consider biting the bullet and getting Windows 10.
    I completely agree with you that 7 is better than 10, but due to the short time left for Windows 7 updates, your options are limited. I'm not sure if you can even get a new computer now with 7 on it.
    Earlier this year I bought a refurbished desktop computer on eBay and one of the motivating factors was that it had Windows 7 installed.

    If you do go with Windows 10, I would recommend a free program called Classic Shell ( that can be used to give you a look & feel very close to Windows 7.
    For a normal user (I presume you are) Windows 10--properly configured--should be okay.

    I feel your pain. Best of luck.
    jammy23's Avatar
    jammy23 Posts: 545, Reputation: 0
    Senior Member

    Jun 12, 2017, 11:49 AM
    Thank you for your detailed response. I'm really very anxious about Windows 10 but I know you're right about it not being available in three years.
    I'm going to check out the link you sent me. Again, thanks very much
    WallyHelps's Avatar
    WallyHelps Posts: 1,018, Reputation: 136
    Ultra Member

    Jun 13, 2017, 05:48 AM
    Since Ivo's webpage is a little busy, the most important part is here: . This shows the various start menus available, including a Windows 7 version.

    Good luck!
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
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    Jun 14, 2017, 06:43 PM
    Well, I'm 77 and I have no problems with Windows10. I do not use a touch screen, just the regular mouse. Personally, I would prefer XP Professional. What don't you like about 10? I gave up on Word when they went to charging you but Google Docs is fine.
    WallyHelps's Avatar
    WallyHelps Posts: 1,018, Reputation: 136
    Ultra Member

    Jun 15, 2017, 07:04 AM
    Windows 10 vs. Windows 7
    I don't want to derail this into a Win 10 bashing session, but here are a few things I personally don't like about Windows 10.

    Start Menu differences
    Windows 7 - straightforward
    Name:  windows7-start-menu2.jpg
Views: 684
Size:  64.1 KB

    Windows 10 - busy and distracting
    Name:  win10start.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  79.0 KB

    • Windows 10 displays advertisements on the lock screen and other places
    • Windows 10 clogs up the start menu with all kinds of games (some of which are not free)
    • Windows 10 forcibly updates (fine when it works, but I've had to fix failed updates before)
    • Windows 10 (and 8 for that matter) defaults to using "apps" instead of more friendly and familiar programs (for viewing photos, as an example)

    I'll stop now. There are other differences that probably wouldn't bother a normal user (I am certainly abnormal).

    Hope this helps,
    jammy23's Avatar
    jammy23 Posts: 545, Reputation: 0
    Senior Member

    Jun 16, 2017, 09:17 AM
    Thank you re. Windows 10. Two friends who have it want their Windows 7 back! You have detailed some of why... and I appreciate it.
    I decided to hang in with 7 even though it will end in three years. Maybe by then, with enough complaints, they will improve their

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