What do you all think?
Ok soo this may be a bit all over the place but stay with me, Sooooo my girlfriends best friend is getting married in a week, now this wedding has been talked about non stop for years as its always next year babes, ohh it's next year etc but it's all planned etc{pure non stop cringe and bull over and over} so finally after a few years it's a definite.
The plan is to go have a Vegas wedding Elvis, the pink cadillac the whole cheesy works, and it's just them two no guests nothing which is fine cus we don't wanna pay megabucks or invest in something that mite not happen(booked holidays before and she didn't even put down deposits etc but it's confirmed by future husband to be) and when they get back there's gunna be a small reception etc and all friends and family and everyone gets dressed up, she's bought my gf a formal dress to wear as she's gunna wear the wedding dress soo that's the plan.
A bit of background:
Soo about a year ago when we finally get the date from her and all the details she asks my gf to be her head bridesmaid for her wedding, and then the gay bestie was asked to be matron (man) of honor for some ing reason(he took real offense to being asked this and rightly so) as ya do ya play nice and say fine and move on to avoid complications and fallouts. The future brides going on non stop about this wedding happening and how we don't seem as excited as her and very cautious and constantly asking her questions as we're trying to get the full picture(I should have told u this girl is a pathological liar and Walter mitty) we tell her look it's been a few years uve been saying this but we believe you(but still lil doubtful) my girlfriend has all the time in the world for this girl and would do anything for her if she asked(within reason) soo the brides next request is will you both plan me a hen! That's fine my girlfriend and gay bestie will organise that no worries, just all they need is a list of people she wants to invite and be there for her hen and they will organise something special for her.
Soo both my gf and gay bestie start making plans and ideas for what to do and seem to be coming up strong with lots of things however keeping in mind this girl's kinda a wild card when she's drunk she's either nasty and starts fights, or just goes too nuts and ruins other peoples and gets too emotional(not the worst but just to be aware of it and pre plan the night accordingly. Soo about 4 months ago we see the future bride and her husband to be(she's hard to get ahold of due to work and other excuses and he's not very social) so she gets a few drinks into her and start balling her eyes out asking my gf and bestie why they haven't organised her hen(were all looking like whaaaaaaaaaaat!!) she's told they are doing something and she needs to wait n see as it's a surprise so she stops crying and get on with the night, the future husband's assuring us they are getting married abroad and everything's in order and can't wait to get past all this cus it's doing his head in n just wants it to be over, so flash forward a month or two and hens all set. BUT literally no one!! wants to goto this girl's hen!! None of her friends or work mates) so gf n gay best are kinda like wth?? this is gunna be a disaster literally all these ppl she wants havnt even responded or else gave daft excuses as to why they can't go and just wanna give her a good night) so they tell her look we can't get anything from these ppl and can she please tell them to get the finger out and she says it's fine them I don't want them at my hen anyways all I need is u two and close friends etc that's fine they carry on( but still these ppl couldn't reply but needa make the most of bad situation) the hen comes(2 weeks ago) and it's not so much a disaster just happens and the venue booked let them down with something but was successful either way and the bride had fun either way was a small gathering of maby 5 or 6 but she's had a great time was really grateful etc couldn't stop thanking everyone, So now the brides getting married next week and is all set, but this shoulda been the end of it until the reception party after their trip abroad but nope, The other night the gf asks the bride to be out for a coffee before she goes away and get this ohh no babes I can't I've my hen tonight (kinda puts it as if she shoulda known) my girlfriend is in absolute pieces she's soo upset because these ppl who didn't reply to my gf went ahead and organised a hen, didn't even invite my gf or the gay bestie or anyone that was invited(these seem to be ppl she works with, and in past has did nothing but run them down and give off about them talking about her in work and making her miserable)
Well I just go off it I've had enough of this girl over the years and her lies and bull I'm sick of the excuses the half truths everything I tell my gf n bestie I'm not going to this reception I'm done this is all too much drama for a ing stupid wedding that has been dragged out for years I just can't be annoyed with the bull soo I'm out, now the gf hasn't a clue what to do cus she's thinking she's just being jealous or something the gay bestie couldn't give a like me he's known her just as long and can't be annoyed with her drama or bull.
So she's left feeling like a mug cus she did everything she could to make this a special night and feels like it wasn't good enough and had it thrown back in her face and can't understand why this all happened the way it did she keeps defending the her saying she didn't know it musta been a surprise etc but the girl hasn't even ing replied or got in contact since her 2nd hen soo i think she's thinking up more lies or excuses to cover her cus she's knows more than she's letting on and has been playing these friends against each other making up lies about everyone an couldn't have them in same room together.
What do ya think 🤔??