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    blueranch's Avatar
    blueranch Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 6, 2007, 07:42 AM
    Two weddings on the same day
    My husband and I have been invited to two weddings for the same date and time. One is for our next door neighbor's daughter, who used to babysit for us. The other invitation is for our other next door neighbor's daughter, who went to school with our sons. The weddings are for the same day, one at 4:00 and one at 5:00, locations about 1 hour apart. We just found out about the first wedding and were told we'd be invited when they became engaged. We've known about the second wedding for a year, and just found out we were invited. What should we do? Is there an ettiquette guideline for such conflicts?
    karent23's Avatar
    karent23 Posts: 133, Reputation: 8
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    Apr 6, 2007, 07:45 AM
    Maybe you and your husband could go to one and your sons could go to the other. Or if they are both your neighbors they should know that the weddings are on the same day and understand you can only go to one. Or just all go to the one you would rather be at, but be sure to get a gift for both. I'm not sure what your neighborhood is like so it's hard to say.
    Anayden's Avatar
    Anayden Posts: 67, Reputation: 19
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    Apr 9, 2007, 03:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by blueranch
    My husband and I have been invited to two weddings for the same date and time. One is for our next door neighbor's daughter, who used to babysit for us. The other invitation is for our other next door neighbor's daughter, who went to school with our sons. The weddings are for the same day, one at 4:00 and one at 5:00, locations about 1 hour apart. We just found out about the first wedding and were told we'd be invited when they became engaged. We've known about the second wedding for a year, and just found out we were invited. What should we do? Is there an ettiquette guideline for such conflicts?
    I think you should go to the one that you were ACTUALLY INVITED TO FIRST! Send your honest regrets to the other and you don't need an explanation, just tell them that you can not make it that day and time and that is it. I am studying to become a wedding planner and I hope that this helps you in your endevours.
    jessincali's Avatar
    jessincali Posts: 23, Reputation: 4
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    Apr 12, 2007, 04:38 PM
    I think you should go to the one that means the most to you. The one that you and your family spend the most time with. The other one - send your regrets and a gift and they should understand.
    Good luck!
    Lowtax4eva's Avatar
    Lowtax4eva Posts: 2,467, Reputation: 190
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    Apr 12, 2007, 06:39 PM
    I would agree that proper etiquette is to go to the one you were invited to first, you have a reasonable and acceptable to not go to the other one that invited you at the last minute.
    lacuran8626's Avatar
    lacuran8626 Posts: 270, Reputation: 57
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    Apr 21, 2007, 09:13 AM
    Attend the one you want to go to, decline the other, but send a beautiful flower arrangement to the bride who's wedding you cannot attend on the morning of the wedding with a kind note, "Sending our best wishes and love on this special day - we wish we could be with you! the Johnson family" It is probably worth the $50 it might cost for the sake of the neighborly relationship!

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