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    red grasshopper12's Avatar
    red grasshopper12 Posts: 238, Reputation: 3
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    Oct 5, 2008, 03:13 AM
    Sims 2
    On sims 2 how do you get married?
    albear's Avatar
    albear Posts: 1,594, Reputation: 222
    Ultra Member

    Oct 5, 2008, 03:25 AM

    presumably he same as on other sims games, you build up your relationship with the sim you want to marry and then when you have the relationship value needd it will let you choose propose when selecting an action to take when you select that sim,
    Boristheblade's Avatar
    Boristheblade Posts: 141, Reputation: 17
    Junior Member

    Oct 5, 2008, 03:26 AM

    You buy the arch wedding thingy, and click it and it says "get married" if my memory serves me correctly. But, the person must be there, so you must invite them over or throw a wedding party and invite them. They must already be engaged also.
    red grasshopper12's Avatar
    red grasshopper12 Posts: 238, Reputation: 3
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    Oct 5, 2008, 01:35 PM
    I figured how to engage. Where would you get the person from ?
    Boristheblade's Avatar
    Boristheblade Posts: 141, Reputation: 17
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    Oct 5, 2008, 02:51 PM

    Where would you get what person from?
    albear's Avatar
    albear Posts: 1,594, Reputation: 222
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    Oct 5, 2008, 03:17 PM

    Well presumably there are other sims around?
    red grasshopper12's Avatar
    red grasshopper12 Posts: 238, Reputation: 3
    Full Member

    Oct 6, 2008, 01:10 PM
    I guess somebody in my posts mentioned the preacher.

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