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Living in Ireland?
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi everyone. My name is Jen and I have just recently graduated high school. I have decided to put off my college plans in order to pursue my dream of living in Ireland and learning it's culture... however, I have searched online and talked to a few people without any luck!! I am not looking to do a...
Working in NY, Living in NJ - No W2 for NJ
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Hi, If you live in NJ and work in NY and did not receive a W2 for NJ, how do you file taxes for NJ. (There is no income at all from NJ) Thanks, Santa
Living in NJ working in NY?
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What foms do I fill? Do I have to fill a New York state return?
Living in WV, Working in VA
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I am contemplating taking a job in Virginia. However, I live in WV. Will my employer withhold WV tax and if they don't, how do I have them withheld? Additionally, how do we handle this when we file our annual tax returns? Will I have to file a return for both WV and VA? :confused: Thanks...
Living n Nj and working in Ny
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello, I just move to Jersey City, NJ and I work in Manhattan, NY. I would like to know what taxes do I pay to NY and what do I pay to NJ and what is the by-weekly percentage taken off for each one of these deductions. Thank yoou View more questions Search