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Can felons get jobs?
[ 2 Answers ]
I am wondering if anyone knows of a resource to help felons find jobs, I currently have five felony convictions. I know what your thinking but no I no longer am on that path so to speak. I spent two years in an inpatient treatment center for drugs and since have yet to break a single law, not even...
Truck driving jobs for felons
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What trucking companies hire graduates from truck driving school, in California... and what companies hire felons or with a glick on there driving record
Truck driving jobs for felons
[ 12 Answers ]
Are there any trucking companies out there who are willing to hire felons... give us a chance to get back into society, gainfully employed, clean and sober. I am looking specifically in the Houston, Harris County area for local work. :cool:
Jobs for felons.
[ 1 Answers ]
I have been convicted of a federal felony for having pills to make meth. I served 4 and a half years and have federal probation for 3 years. My conviction date is March of 2004. I want to go to school to become a vet tech is this possible? This is my first time using this so I may be doing it...
Jobs for felons
[ 14 Answers ]
I am trying to help a young fellow, who do to an addiction stole a car and now is a convicted felon. He is clean and is looking to get back into society. Where do we steer this young man? View more questions Search