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I need a wiring diagram for a Scotts lawn tractor model s1642
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I own a Scotts lawn tractor model 1642 that won't start (turn over). The battery is good and I've replaced the solenoid. I believe its one of the many safety interlocks that's the cause.
Scotts s1642 lawn tractor steering linkage?
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The main steering linkage on my Scotts s1642 has separated fom the bushing. Where can I locate that part online?
Scotts lawn mower s1642 - stops running when release brake
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The mower stops running as you release brake. Unable to keep mower running without having brake fully on. If you can help in any way , I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Parts for a s1642 scott lawn tractor
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s1642 scott lawn tractor I'm about ready to screamneed help. The mower only starts when it wants to. I checked th 15 amp fuse it is good thought it was battery had it checked out battery was good .I came home from getting bttery checked out and put battery in mower though I would give it a try it...
Scotts lawn tractor s1642
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My scotts tractor s1642 blew the drive belt. There is no information in the owners manuel on how to replace this belt, only how to replace the mower belt. HELP PLEASE. View more questions Search