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Toro Lawn Mower Won't start
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This lawn mower was given to me and it ran last year. I replaced the spark plug. Replaced the gas. Replaced the pin and the gaskets in the carb. I'm getting spark from the plug. Its getting plenty of gas... maybe too much?? After several attempts at starting it I removed the plug and...
How to Fix a Pull Cord on a Toro Recycler 5.5 Mower?
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Tried to fix pull start recoil on my TORO Recycler 5.5 self propelled mower. The recoil has no tension when wound. Do you have any suggestions?
How to replace the piston model 20333, 22in toro Recycler Lawn Mower, 2009 .
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How do you connect the piston rod back on the shaft while the piston is connected ? Toro took the thing apart and left the piston and rod out and gave it back to me. Do I have to split the engine apart or is there a easier way to tighten the screws on the rod ? Thanks Matt
My Toro Recycler will not start,
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I pull the starter but nothing happens. It acts like no spark or flooded. I used new gas and dry gas but nothing What a supprise. Its only a few months old and I bought a Toro snow blower also is this the QUALITY of Toro Thanks J. Boneysteele
How to Fix a Pull Cord on a Toro Recycler Mower?
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My pull cord on my Toro Recycler mower broke. How do I fix it? :confused: View more questions Search
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