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Scotts Lawn Tractor
[ 3 Answers ]
My Scotts lawn tractor won't start. When I turn the key, it just make a clicking noise. The "book" states it may be the starter or the solenoid? What's a solenoid and where is it located? Actually, what does the starter look like?
Scotts Lawn Tractor
[ 1 Answers ]
Can any one tell me who really made the scotts lawn tractors that were sold by Home Depot in 1999 and 2000? I know that :( John Deere supposedly built them, but I have been told that wasn't true. How about it? THANKS, PRAIRIE SON
Scotts Lawn Tractor
[ 2 Answers ]
Need a diagram for Scotts Lawn tractor model # 1642 to find the fuse and safety switches Thanks Prairie Son View more questions Search