New Member
Mar 3, 2007, 01:32 PM
Old Murray riding mower
I bought an old Murray riding mower last year. I'm not sure what year it is, but here is my problem: One of the rear tires has a flat, instead of loading up the whole mower in the back of the truck, I wouldm like to remove the wheel. I removed the holding pin and the washer from the outside of the wheel, and it appears that the wheel should just slide off, it moved a little, but I can't get it to slide the rest of the way. Is it just as simple as tapping the wheel from the back, or am I missing a step? I don't want to damage the rim. I have sprayed the axle down with WD-40. Someone please let me know what to do thanks.
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2007, 02:32 PM
Good luck, those are terrible. Tapping the back may work, you need to hit the hammer on the hub close to the axle to make it work. A long metal shaft or punch will help. You may want to leave overnight with penetrant.
Before putting a tube in it check for what made it flat or you may do it twice.
Ultra Member
Mar 4, 2007, 02:29 AM
Try PB blaster instead of wd-40, wd-40 sucks really at pentrating and lubing... it does what its made for well... water displacement.. and stick removal.
Is the tire totally blown (big hole in it)? You could take and put a tie strap around the tire, tighten it (to seat the bead) put some slime tire sealant in, and fill it with air and run it around the yard... never try to use fix a flat...
New Member
May 23, 2007, 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie88
I bought an old Murray riding mower last year. I'm not sure what year it is, but here is my problem: One of the rear tires has a flat, instead of loading up the whole mower in the back of the truck, I wouldm like to remove the wheel. I removed the holding pin and the washer from the outside of the wheel, and it appears that the wheel should just slide off, it moved a little, but I can't get it to slide the rest of the way. is it just as simple as tapping the wheel from the back, or am I missing a step? I don't want to damage the rim. I have sprayed the axle down with WD-40. Someone please let me know what to do thanks.
Had the same flat on the right rear. There is a square pin along side the axle. I put oil on the axle and tapped the rear of the rim and the tire slid right off. Took the tire to the tire shop and it was not repairable. Ordered and got a new tire overnight. Cost $48 which is a good deal.
New Member
Sep 12, 2007, 11:59 AM
I had the same problem except when I "tapped" the back of the rim the tire/rim & rod all came off in one piece, I don't think the rod was supposed to come off, now the rod will go back in but the mower doesn't move when put in gear and it will slide in & out easily. Did something break?? Or did I need to insert it a different way?? HELP!!
Ultra Member
Sep 12, 2007, 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by stubAdub
I had the same problem except when i "tapped" the back of the rim the tire/rim & rod all came off in one piece, i dont think the rod was supposed to come off, now the rod will go back in but the mower doesnt move when put in gear and it will slide in & out easily. did something break??? or did i need to insert it a different way??? HELP!!!!!
Well I got here a little too late for you I see. I was going to instruct to not get carried away and use too much force, or too big of a hammer when "tapping" on the rim, notice I did not use the term "hitting" the rim. What you have done is broken the keeper ring clip inside the transaxle, so now you get a very valuable lesson in life, don't use a big hammer all the time. HEY I USE A BIG HAMMER A lot, but there is a time, place, and need for a large hammer, o.k. anyway, you have to remove the transaxle and open up the casing, replace the clip and reassemble. I do not know how mechanically inclined you are, but if you can not read blueprints, or parts breakdown, you may want to carry it to a shop and for probably $75.00 to $100.00 have the job done for you. The reason it is so high is due to having to remove, open up, repair, close up, and reinstall the transaxle. Good luck and be careful in the future with the hammers.
And I fully agree with the comment about WD-40, it was great when we were kids to shine up or motocross bike engines after cleaning them, and to lube a few things, but now I have found "PB BLASTER", true it stinks, but it WORKS well and does make WD-40 look like water.
New Member
Sep 13, 2007, 06:08 AM
Well I found all of this out before you answered but thanks for the quick response, seems as though the keeper was already bent a little because I didn't tap on the rim very hard at all, couple small taps and it started to come off... took the transmission off, opened it up, keeper was bent, having a shop put a new one on since I don't have the time and don't feel like messing with it anymore, pretty simple but like you said if someone doesn't have mechanical abilitys they shouldn't mess with it... thanks,
Ultra Member
Sep 14, 2007, 07:02 PM
Yeah, quite a few parts, and you can do it if you just stick with it, but you must pay close attention. Try disassembling a mtd yardmachine chain case (transmission for the wheels as well as the tines) and clean, and rebuild without a diagram, cause the unit was too new to be on the parts look up. That was a good lesson, and time consuming, thankfully it was a warranty claim issue. I think it was like 104 or something like that pieces total.
New Member
Apr 14, 2009, 06:00 PM
You need to use a pully puller the two holes on the side of the axal post in the middle of the wheel are for the puller bolts. They come off easy if you use a standard pully puller.:)
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