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    Murray rider's Avatar
    Murray rider Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 19, 2007, 01:41 PM
    Does anyone have a maint manual to a 46" Murray slect rider?
    I tried looking for one on but they only have 03 or newer. Does anyone have an electronic copy that they could e-mail me? I have a 12.5hp that someone has put on a 46" deck.

    MOWERMAN2468's Avatar
    MOWERMAN2468 Posts: 3,214, Reputation: 243
    Ultra Member

    Oct 19, 2007, 03:25 PM
    Sorry, I don't have a manual. But what type of problems are you experiencing?
    Murray rider's Avatar
    Murray rider Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 19, 2007, 04:43 PM
    My idler spring broke and I have no idea what part # the spring is. When I went to the local Agway the parts dept needed a model # before they would start looking for a new one for me.
    MOWERMAN2468's Avatar
    MOWERMAN2468 Posts: 3,214, Reputation: 243
    Ultra Member

    Oct 19, 2007, 09:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Murray rider
    My idler spring broke and I have no idea what part # the spring is. When I went to the local Agway the parts dept needed a model # before they would start looking for a new one for me.
    Well, its like I told a guy one day that got rather irrate that I could not just order him a carb for a briggs and stratton engine, I showed him on the computer that briggs used a possible ( I Think this is the correct # okay), 969 different carbs. I also told him if he'd like to prepay for each of them, I would gladly order him one of each. Then, and only then did he see that he needed a model # to locate the correct carb.

    My point being that they were correct in telling you they needed the model number. No one wants to sell you the incorrect part. So if you need an engine part, carry all the numbers you can find on the engine with you. And if you need a part for the rest of the unit, carry all other numbers you can find on the mower with you. This just helps out everyone involved.

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