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Help about satellite pro 4600
[ 2 Answers ]
? anyone knows how to configure the unit so I can use the cd-rw. I bought this as second hand and I don't have knowledge about the potentials of this unit. Tnx
Dvd/satellite receiver
[ 1 Answers ]
I would like to know how to hook up my dvd player through my satellite receiver. The TV does not have any place to plug the red, white, and yellow cords to but the satellite receiver does. I have connected the dvd player to the satellite receiver I just can't get a picture.
DVD/VCR/Satellite receiver to TV hookup
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What is the easiest way to hookup a DVD player, VCR to a TV with a Hughes Satellite receiver? Should I use a RF Modulator or what?
Receiver for European Satellite Stations?
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Is there a satellite receiver on the market that can access european satellite stations, and if so is a decoder required. I am based in the UK. Obviously I would need a satellite dish that can be remotely. View more questions Search