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    Strikeryuzz's Avatar
    Strikeryuzz Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 21, 2016, 10:58 PM
    The name of an old 3D cartoon show
    Is anybody here knows a name of an old 3D cartoon where there were 3 main characters (2 boys, 1 girl) that fought using their shadows?

    I remember that, they use some kind of device or watch and chant a summoning word to call out their shadows. Their Shadows slowly changed into some kind of a robot-ish figure.

    If I'm not mistaken, the chant sounds something like "Light of Eternity, Spirit of a Warrior. . . Shadow Fighter!"

    I've literally been looking for almost 5 years and the internet gave no answer. Google dissapoints me. Huhu... So I figure I would want to 'ASK' a real person this time

    P/s: That's an English dubbed of it though. I'm not sure what is the origin of the show. Probably China/Korea. So, I don't know the actual summoning chants.

    Pp/s: The graphic quality was a bit poor because it was quite old and I guess Graphic Designer back then wasn't that advanced yet.

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