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    nezpercenathan's Avatar
    nezpercenathan Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 6, 2007, 09:55 AM
    Kids time travel program?
    There was a show on maybe 10 years ago, about two sort of goofy puppet like characters who kept travelling around in time. They were sort of like Kroft characters, but I don't know if they really were Kroft. A girl, I think called Charlie, was in touch with them all the time, via some sort of communication device, you would see her when they were talking to her. The time travel device was broken, and Charlie was always trying to fix it, to get them back to the present. Any ideas what the name of it was, aired by whom, if it is in syndication or on dvd?
    nezpercenathan's Avatar
    nezpercenathan Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 18, 2007, 01:38 AM
    Found the answer to my own question: The show was called FIELD TRIP, started in 1997 for 2 seasons. Puppets were named Pug and Zero, girl was named Charly. Sometimes they travelled in space, sometimes in time. They would travel in space to other places in the present time frame, but also travel in time. Ran for two seasons. Alternatively called "The Adventures of Pug and Zero" Puppeteer was David Fedele. Charly was played bu Talia Osteen.

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