New Member
Jul 13, 2006, 06:31 AM
80's cartoon title
I'm remembering a cartoon I watched in the early 80's but can't remember the title.
I was about a village of fairies or sprits that was having a festival (I think) and there was a dancer (name was something like rose or lilly maybe) She was supposed to preform at this festival.
And there was some evil guy that lived in the forrest above the village who captured her, but she wouldn't dance for him.
I also seem to remember something about a mud fight or that the evil guy threw mud or something like that.
Any help would be appricaited! :)
New Member
Oct 20, 2006, 09:01 AM
I'm pretty sure that would be Rose Petal Place. One of my favs.
New Member
Nov 21, 2006, 10:36 AM
 Originally Posted by Tionna
I'm pretty sure that would be Rose Petal Place. One of my favs.
No I don't think that was it. I remember that show and this one was definitely a different character and had a evil mud slinging guy in it, not a spider. Thanks though!
Anyone else?
New Member
Dec 18, 2006, 02:25 AM
This is a little delayed... but, I defintely know that it's CHARMKINS. I know that specific episode... the little dancer was in white with blonde curls and she definitely wouldn't dance for that guy! Anyhow, phew... glad I could answer that. Tata!
New Member
Dec 18, 2006, 02:29 AM
I meant pink! The dancer wore pink and her name was lady slipper! Does that ring a bell? Google it! Bye bye!
New Member
Jan 3, 2007, 01:26 PM
 Originally Posted by sphinx_k28
I'm remembering a cartoon I watched in the early 80's but can't remember the title.
I was about a village of fairies or sprits that was having a festival (i think) and there was a dancer (name was something like rose or lilly maybe) She was supposed to preform at this festival.
And there was some evil guy that lived in the forrest above the village who captured her, but she wouldn't dance for him.
I also seem to remember something about a mud fight or that the evil guy threw mud or something like that.
Any help would be appricaited! :)
Maybe it's ferngulli...
New Member
Jan 17, 2007, 09:31 PM
The name of the show was Lady Lovelylocks! They lived in this crazy castle that could move up and down right? And she had weird weseal things with long tails that lived in her hair.
Hope that helps
New Member
Jan 20, 2007, 02:27 PM
 Originally Posted by haysteria
i meant pink! the dancer wore pink and her name was lady slipper! does that ring a bell? google it! bye bye!
Oh my goodness! Yes that was it!! Thank you so much!! :)
New Member
Jan 20, 2007, 06:52 PM
No prob. Man I think I still have one of the dolls packed up somewhere.
She had purple and blue friends. And they all had weasel things in their hair, and they could talk!
In retrospect. That is really creepy.. . And bad hygiene.
Glad I could be of service.
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