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One Hit wonders of the 70's
[ 4 Answers ]
Hi, I love most of the old one hit wonders of the 70's. (except disco) I know there are a lot that made it to the top 40, but rarely (if ever) get played anymore. There's a couple that I'd love to hear again, but for the life of me can't remember the title, or artist! Mostly because I have not...
Ok, another lost movie title, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
When I was a kid I saw it several times, but I can't remember the title. So I remember this much. There's 2 kids, who sneak on a boat. They find out about this message in a bottle from some relative. So they go on this crazy advernture, sliding down snowy mountains, meeting people, and at the...
70's horror movie
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a young kid at the drive-in.. The only part I really remember is this guy puts on a suit and the collar tightens and strangles him.. Then I remember him dead in the back of a garbage truck wrapped in a dry cleaners bag, and the truck was smashing...
Toys in a store, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
This may have been a TV movie, it was about toys in a store trying to get to either santa or the toy dept. I don't think it was a cartoon.
80's or 70's movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I've been trying to find the title to a movie I only seen once when I was about 7 years old... All I can remember is a woman cocooned in a bath room and a young boy collects large eggs that come out of her... And I remember the end a woman picks up one of the eggs and a claw comes out of the eggs... View more questions Search