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    House3000's Avatar
    House3000 Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 11, 2008, 01:39 PM
    Head skull how to make bigger
    Hi, why is my head so small? It's like it doesn't match with the rest of my body even my body is growing but my head is so small it doesn't look right is there any diet to help the head skull grow? Please help because I hate it :(
    simoneaugie's Avatar
    simoneaugie Posts: 2,490, Reputation: 438
    Ultra Member

    Sep 11, 2008, 01:49 PM
    Some of us have big skulls, some small. It's like being short like both of your parents, you can't change it. You can dress differently or wear your hair different. My daughter lost weight and her small head looked better. If you're not done growing up, give it some more time.

    Most people don't even notice. You do, when you look in a mirror and find fault with yourself. Everyone is different, there's nothing wrong with you except that your children will be born more easily.
    wishes's Avatar
    wishes Posts: 98, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2008, 08:39 AM
    Nope lol. You can do soemthing with your hair if you think you like different or wear a hat .

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