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Bleeding during and after sex
[ 11 Answers ]
Hi , my boyfriend and I have been sexually active for over a year now but sometimes either during or after sex I start to bleed . It doesn't happen all the time , and we don't often have rough sex and when we do , I don't bleed . When I do bleed , it does hurt a lot as well as when I go to the...
Bleeding after sex
[ 5 Answers ]
My menses ended last Monday and I had sex with my finace the following Wednesday. I asked that we try a little "rough" sex and he consented. At one point it was painful and we stopped and tried something different. About Thursday or thereabout, I noticed some pinking spots, which changed to red now...
Bleeding after sex.what is this?
[ 5 Answers ]
I had sex and noticed a brownish colored blood when we were cleaning up the other day (Jan 4th). I thought we had jump started my period a week and a half (the first day of my last cycle was Dec16th). I put in a tampon and few hours later took it out and much to my shock... there was barely any...
Sex, bleeding although not first time having sex.
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I have a question which I've been looking for an answer for the past day.. . I have had sex with 3 partners which adds up to 6 times of having sexual intercourse all together. Couple of days ago I had my 7th time having sex with someone out of those 3, but yet I started bleeding during...
Bleeding After Sex
[ 10 Answers ]
:confused: OK hey all! First off... Everytime after me and my boyfriend has sex, I get up to go use the restroom, and when I whip I'm bleeding! Not heavly, but a faded red coloring! This happends every time we have sex! What is this caused by, and is it OK that I bleed? View more questions Search