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Music video from ?mid 90s? Dance music, teddy bears picnic
[ 0 Answers ]
It was a stop frame animation video, not great quality, scene was a park I think, with teddy bears and maybe other toys having a picnic which degenerated into drinking, taking drugs, having group sex and fighting, maybe stabbing etc. The sun in the sky was singing I think, maybe just a chorus bit....
What's that music video called that was on Music Choice on demand like 5 years ago?
[ 1 Answers ]
I remember that the girl in the video had black hair and there was a glowing ball thing in her room. And she was drawing a comic and then when she started singing the comic came to life and the girl in the comic was in a space ship then landed on another planet and there were purple animals and...
I hear music in my house I just moved in evryday, old, fashioned scary music
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I hear this music being played in my house, sometimes very faint and other times loud. It's the same tune and sounds like old fashioned scary music. Its played all the time not just at one time of the day. My walls are paper thin. Also had a dream some lady was sittn on my couch and I asked her...
How do I copy music from media player to MP3 at present copied music shows
[ 2 Answers ]
Music copied to MP3 player plays on computer but not on MP3 which shows "no data" View more questions Search