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Astrology pairs
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello to all of you. Id like those who are interessted to share info on their signs matched with their partners, and how we view them (works well/not, What is needed to make it work well) I'll start with myself. I am a gemini man who is dealing with a scorpio woman. I find that the match works...
Probability in Pairs?
[ 2 Answers ]
Okay.. here is the question: We have 8 pairs of white socks, 9 pairs of black socks and 11 pairs of blue socks in a box. What would be the minimum numberof schols we need to take out of the box to ensure we get a pair of the same color (you can not see what color you are picking out of box. ...
Pairs of forces
[ 4 Answers ]
I do not understand this. Newtons 3rd Law claims every force is met with another opposite and equal force. Why then when I punched a spackle wall it breaks? View more questions Search