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Sales force supervision
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I would like to learn about tools to supervise sales people that spend most of their time visiting customers. I would like to have a way to measure productivity other than how much each salespeople have sold.
Supervision for shoplifting under $100. Can I be a Cop?
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When I was 18 I shoplifted and obviously I got caught. I gave them everything I shoplifted and was still arrested. I eagerly repaid my debts to them and was given a huge leniency. I was give one year court supervision not probation, and it was not counted as a conviction. What are my chances of...
Federal supervision ua
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I'm on federal supervised release and drop random ua's. I did a small amount of meth and tested 76 hours later. I took a detoxify pill, omni pack. How long to get results back from the lab? Will it come back diluted?
Instructional Video Distance Learning
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I am a district administrator of a K12 school district in Ohio looking for educators with experience in Instructional Video Distance Learning (IVDL) technologies between two high schools within the same district. What are the pros and cons of establishing an IVDL system of learning? Have your... View more questions Search