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Will my arrests affect my getting hired for a job?
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I am a college student, 18 years old, and have gotten arrested 3 different times for public intoxication all within a span of 3 months. I plead no contest on all 3 and am wondering now if I should have done differently. I just recently learned the seriousness of the arrests and have tried...
Joe Miller ARRESTS reporter
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Hello Tea Partiers: I thought the Tea Party revered the Constitution... The problem with that, is they only MOUTH those words, and have NO CLUE what's actually IN the Constitution... Tea Party candidates are fond of slogans and one of their favorites is: Government of the people, by the...
Do arrests show up on LIVESCAN fingerprinting?
[ 2 Answers ]
I was arrested two years ago for getting into a physical fight with an ex-boyfriend. I had to stay in jail for a few days but then I was released with NO conviction. I want to get a livescan fingerprinting, but I am wondering if this arrest will show up? I don't want this to hurt my chances of...
Searches, arrests and the Supreme Court
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I haven’t had time to read the whole decision but a friend just e-mailed me that on Wednesday the US Supreme Court ruled that evidence seized in an improper arrest does not have to be thrown out IF the error which lead to the arrest (and subsequent finding of evidence and subsequent charges) was...
Arrests that had been expunged from FBI
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Hello and good afternoon. Back in NY in 1996 I was charged with a class b misdemeanor but pled guilty to a non-criminal offense, known as a 'violation"(not a fingerprintable offense) in NY state. I paid a $50 fine, received a conditional discharge, and my criminal records were sealed as per 160.55... View more questions Search