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An adult with a 504 plan
[ 4 Answers ]
An elementary school teacher has a 504 plan because of a "scent" issue. (Scents supposedly cause her migraines). Can she force fellow co-workers to refrain from wearing perfumes, scented body washes, detergents, etc.
504 plans for adults in the work place
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If a medical condition as in narcolepsy be used as an employee 504 oe similar plan to protect from discrimanation?
504 plan for adults?
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I am a teacher in MA. I have had difficulty passing the Foundations of Reading test. I have multiple sclerosis and short term memory loss along with chronic fatigue. This makes it difficult to pass tests. Can the 504 plan help someone like me?
Can an adult get a 504 plan?
[ 3 Answers ]
Can an adult get a 504 plan? A teacher friend of mind has high blood pressure which has proven to be drug resistant. Can she get a 504 plan requiring that she not be given a certain non-teaching duty that she presently has. This is a stressful duty that her doctor does not want her to continue...
Need 504 plan for grandson
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I have several concerns and questions for those who are familiar with procedures in the TIER I, TIER II, and TIER III model. My grandson who now 9, was diagnosed at Medical Center with ADHD, ODD when he was 6. He was assessed as low to average in IQ. I believe he also has dyslexia but he is in... View more questions Search