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Live in NJ - Work in PA
[ 10 Answers ]
I understood that there is an agreement between NJ/PA that residents working in the other state will have tax withheld for their state of residence. My employer followed that until this year. I now have PA state tax & local city tax withheld. They also just switched my sui from PA to NJ. ...
Live in NJ, work IN NY
[ 4 Answers ]
This year I received 2 W2's (though I have just one job and one source of income). The Federal data is the same on both W2's. The state data is different, One states NJ in Box 15, They did not exculde the 403(b) contributions and so the number is higher than the federal wages (box 1). The other W2...
I live in pa and work in nj
[ 2 Answers ]
I am trying to ask my human res. Here at my job this question but it seems like I am getting brushed off all the time I do not want to be penalized at the end of the year I have been working in this job since march of 2006 we just switched payroll and I get direct dep. So I never bothered looking...
Live in NY work in NJ
[ 5 Answers ]
This is the reverse of some recent questions. I was transferred to a NJ office supposedly on a temporary basis. It was recently made permanent. Because of the temporary nature, they never changed my withholding and still haven't contacted me about doing so. So, right now, I only have NYS...
Live in NJ, work in NYC
[ 3 Answers ]
Just got a job in NYC. I start on the 21st of Feb. What are my tax obligations? I heard working in NYC there is a city tax or something that I need to be aware of and put money aside for, is that true? Or do I just pay NY and Jersey State taxes inext April. Also, I am married and I read... View more questions Search