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Part Time Versus Full Time
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Where is the line for part time employment versus full time employment in Georgia. I can't find it anywhere!
Do I need to claim my part-time job on my taxes?
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I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place this year. I am a single 31 year old male who has 2 jobs. 1 full-time job where I made $16,956.00, and a part-time job where I made $2,002.00 in 2006. When I got my W-2 for my part-time job, I discovered that no federal taxes were taken out. So...
Part time or full time resident?
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi, I am a student in PA and spent about 3 months in New York during the summer for an internship. Since my primary domicile was still in PA (since I had to return for the next year of classes), am I a resident of PA for the full year or a part year resident? Likewise when I file state tax... View more questions Search