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Inheritance money from abroad
[ 18 Answers ]
My mom will give me money when she sell her house abroad. The buyer can put the amount directly to my bank account here. Do I have to pay tax ( what category , how much ) . I do have proof of the house sold. ( selling contract an dother related paper - translated ). Thank you
Inheritance tax
[ 11 Answers ]
My father recently passed away. My siblings and I are trying to take care of our inheritance. The big questions I have are: what is the federal tax withholding on inheritance, does CA have a state tax on inheritance, and how do all these things get managed? I want to know what percentage of...
Inheritance tax
[ 1 Answers ]
My mother left her four children an estate worth roughly 1.2 million in a family trust to be split equally 4 ways. There is a 1st TD on some property, a house, and approximately 200K in CD's and cash. Three of the four children life in California and one resides in WA. Will we pay any state or...
Do I pay tax on inherited property sold?
[ 7 Answers ]
My brothers and I (4 of us) each inherited equal portions of my mother's house when she died. We sold the house shortly after the estate was settled and each of us received ~ 18,000 (there was no mortgage). Now, I am aware that any gain is taxed as long term no matter how long we owned it, since it... View more questions Search