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    eel_oo's Avatar
    eel_oo Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 1, 2008, 11:19 AM
    Tax exemption? A chinese got J1 visa from Canada to enter U.S
    I am a Chinese, but I got my J1 exchange scholar visa to enter U. S from Canada (I have been living in canada for 6 years but am NOT an immigration in canada).

    The tax people said that my tax would be based on the canadian policy. Is that true? Am I eligible to tax exemption?

    Thank you.
    MukatA's Avatar
    MukatA Posts: 7,110, Reputation: 176
    Tax Expert

    Jun 1, 2008, 06:27 PM
    The visa is stamped on the passport you are holding. If you are a Chinese citizen, you will get deduction as per the U.S. China tax treaty. If you are a research scholar, then your income is not subject to tax for three years.
    Read this about the tax treaty: Your U.S. Tax Return: U.S. Tax Treaties for Professors, Teachers and Researchers

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