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Do I pay taxes when I work in a different state that I live in?
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Hi, I currently live in Ct but work in NY. I know I have to pay ct state income taxes but do I have to pay NY state income tax? My husband lives with me in CT and works in CT. Should we file separately or jointly for state income taxes if I have to pay NY income taxes? Also would his CT...
Tenant on lease with option refusing to pay rent. Hand delivered 5 day pay or quit.
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Property is located in Virginia. The tenant signed lease agreement and option agreement. The rent is $1000 monthly and the option is paid separately at $200 monthly. The rental agreement states tenant is responsible for repairs per incident up to $500. The blower motor went out on Heat pump...
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Tenant on lease with option refusing to pay rent. Hand delivered 5 day pay or quit.
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Property is located in Virginia. The tenant signed lease agreement and option agreement. The rent is $1000 monthly and the option is paid separately at $200 monthly. The rental agreement states tenant is responsible for repairs per incident up to $500. The blower motor went out on Heat pump...
Do I pay rent?
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