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Want to get papers
[ 1 Answers ]
I got a dui about a year ago and did not go to the court because I went to mexico and when the court date came up I was not let in by the border patrol and now I'm want to get my papers but don't know if I'm going to get denied what do you think I can do thank you
An adoption papers
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi. Me and my husband getting divorced after 3 months I gave birth to our son. He never wanted this baby and he doesn't want him in the future. While my boyfrend want to take all responsobilitys and be father for my son. What is the best way to make my boyfriend my sons father legally. What legal...
Naturalization papers
[ 4 Answers ]
In filing for Italian dual citizenship do I need a $380. Copy of my grandfather's naturalization papers or will a photocopy do?
How to get papers
[ 3 Answers ]
I just adopted 3 mini-daschound puppies (so far they look long hair.) a co-worker got one. The parents were from another co-worker. The parents were never registered. Is there any way that we can register ours? All are pure breed. Thanks for any help. They were born overnight 1/1-1/2/08.
Served papers or not?
[ 6 Answers ]
If you are verbally served to appear in court as a witness, is it legal? View more questions Search