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    raju_nj04's Avatar
    raju_nj04 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 20, 2007, 11:21 AM
    Non Resident tax refund for Georgia
    I am residing in Minnesota.. never worked or went to state of Georgia.n total I am 100% non resident for the state of Georgia. But my employer for whom I work is in georgie.He has paid all my state tax to Georgia. But I came to know that even if my employer is from Georgia, I can ask for the complte refund from the state of Georgia based on the fact that I never resided or worked in the state of Georgia.

    Please let me know about this.

    AtlantaTaxExpert's Avatar
    AtlantaTaxExpert Posts: 21,836, Reputation: 846
    Senior Tax Expert

    Feb 20, 2007, 11:11 PM
    You should file a GA tax return as a non-resident with NO Georgia-based income. The fact that your employer is based in Georgia does NOT make you liable for GA income taxes if you did not work or live in Georgia.

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