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Form 1116, foreign tax credit: Tax paid vs tax accrued, exchange rates and dates
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi, I'm applying for foreign tax credit on taxes I've paid / accrued on interest earned in savings accounts and certificate deposits in New Zealand. For cds, the bank statements don't give precise dates for when taxes were withheld. And so I have several questions relating to form 1116, Part II: ...
Confusion over Child tax credit with ITIN applied along with Tax returns for 1st time
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I am Bala and I came to US last year April 2006 with my family. I came to US with H1B visa and my spouse and kid has H4. I am aware of the fact that I can claim Child tax credit if I have ITIN for my child. But since there is change is process that we can't apply for ITIN separately and...
How I can fill tax return wihtout my wife ITIN # and show her at my tax return
[ 4 Answers ]
I'm a h1 visa holder living New York and my wife joined with me she has h4 visa When I fill this year tax return I want to get benefit how I can get ITIN # for her Yes I know about W-7 form but it's very confision Give me some info please step by step Thanks
Child Tax Credit and No Tax ID
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi: Me and my wife are in US on H1 and we have two issues in filing tax return this year. We have four year old daughter and in order to obtain "child tax credit" and "child care credit" we should have tax id for our daughter. As per the procedure we need to send completed W7 and income tax...
Applying for ITIN for spouse while filing taxes & Child tax credit exemption
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi I am aftab and my wife and kid joined me in 2006, as they are on H4 they are not eligible for a SSN so I need to apply for an ITIN. Please explain the process as to Should I be sending my returns filled in manually along with the application for ITIN for my spouse and kid? Will the... View more questions Search