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My daughters father passed away 4 months ago ,can my husband to be adopt my daughter?
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My boyfriend and I want to get married, he lives in America and I live in England. He wants to adopt my 5yr old daughter, how long is the process? My daughters father passed away and wasn't involved in her life financially so its only right that she has a father figure and changes her name to my...
Why am I having feelings for a friend that has passed away 3 years ago?
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my mom's friend's son had passed away in a car accident 3 years ago. I cried so much even though I barely remembered him. We grew up together but didn't talk after I moved away. The night before he died, I randomly started thinking about him again and how he was and stuff. I wanted to talk to him....
I live in Mo and my husband passed away 8 years ago, does he still have his 401k
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I live in Mo and my husband passed away 8 years ago. Does he still have his 401k and can I get it? I have applied for social security for me and the boys. Do I have to wait until I retire or can I access it now?
Father abandoned daughter one and a half years ago and step father wants to adopt
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Hi, I have a question. My daughters father completely stopped contact with my daughter a year and a half ago. We were separated for eight years, Since then I have remarried and gone on with my life. He suddenly stopped all contact with her a year and a half ago, stopped child support about three...
Locating record of house sale from 20 years ago
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I sold a house more than 20 years ago, and since then have lost the papers from the house sale in a family tragedy. I have need to recover these house sale papers to prove I was previously a home owner. From which office could I recover these papers proving that I sold the house? The real estate... View more questions Search