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    mdasif's Avatar
    mdasif Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 11, 2007, 06:21 PM
    Dependent wife got a job in Nov 07 how to claim tax exepmtion?
    I am on H1 (wokring full time) wife in H4 (since 2006 june).
    Wife converted fropm h4-h1. Started working from Nov 07.
    Last year I claimed her as dependent on my tax return.
    She will get her first pay check on dec312007. Does that mean I cannot claim her as dependent for the whole year of 2007 even thouh she did not work unitl nov 07.
    Is there is provision top claim as dependent on my tax return for the 1 months of 2007.?
    Thank you for your help in ad
    AtlantaTaxExpert's Avatar
    AtlantaTaxExpert Posts: 21,836, Reputation: 846
    Senior Tax Expert

    Nov 13, 2007, 09:26 AM
    You should file JOINTLY for 2007 (as that offers the greatest tax`savings), in which case she is your joint filer, NOT your dependent.
    mdasif's Avatar
    mdasif Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 13, 2007, 03:24 PM
    Thank you Atlantataxexpert.
    I guess my wife was never my dependent irrespective whether she is employed or not.
    I called tax help line (quoted by you in 'dual status cofusion')... you were right thery wer helpful in answering tax realted questions.
    The answer from them was ' Spouse was never a dependent of me and should file joint return an that would take care of tax exemtions.'

    Thank you again.
    AtlantaTaxExpert's Avatar
    AtlantaTaxExpert Posts: 21,836, Reputation: 846
    Senior Tax Expert

    Nov 16, 2007, 02:46 PM
    Glad to help!

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