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Quitting job / H1-B Visa status
[ 2 Answers ]
I want to know how long can I stay in the country if I resign to my job while being under the H1-B Visa status.
Quitting tobacco
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, one of my friend was addicted of chewing tobacco from last 10 years, one day he got pain so he leave his habit after leaving tobacco he got ulcer in whole mouth tongue and throat, doctor told him it's a withdrawl effect but that after taking medicine all ulcers decreasing day by day. But at...
Quitting shoplifting
[ 6 Answers ]
I'm not sure if I'm in the right section to ask about shoplifting, but here I go. I used to shoplift regularly, and I have gotten in a lot of trouble doing it. I have been to jail for 30 days , and am now on diversion for 2 years. Im finally done with shoplifting and will never do it again, but...
Being Sued for Quitting?
[ 7 Answers ]
My old supervisor quit her job, and now the company is talking about taking legal actions against her. She was not under a contract which bound her to stay with the company for XX amount of time. The company had been talking about demoting her by taking away the company vehicle away from her,...
What is the best way to use my 401K money when I don't have a job
[ 7 Answers ]
I had to quit my job 3 weeks ago and am 52 and cannot find a job that pays enough to pay my house pmt and others. I have about 44,000 in 401 and owe about 7,000 on a loan from the 401. I need the money to pay bills until I can find another job. I can't find anything that pays more than 9.00 an... View more questions Search