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What is the value of this stamp?
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Arago: 1-cent Franklin I have the same Benjamin Franklin Overprinted Philippines 1 cent green stamp. I have it,But never know the value,so I hope some one knows:)
Stamp Act
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What is the value of this Stamp?
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I have a United States postage stamp not cancelled dated 1635-1935 that is for 3 cents and is from Connecticut says on left side and on right side Tercentenary and at the bottom United States Postage and has a Tree in the middle and says The Charter Oak-stamp is glued on an envelope and all in...
Tramp stamp?
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So I have been thinking about getting a tattoo on my lower back, right above the bikini line. But I told one of my guy friends that and he went "your getting a tramp stamp? are you trying to say something?" do people really think you're easy or something if you get a tattoo there? Because I really... View more questions Search