New Member
Feb 23, 2009, 10:06 PM
Sort a Column & sum the range with same value during the sort
Hi, I'm trying to sort a data table by Grades & then sum the totals of the cell with same Grade. The table consists of this headers: Date, DD#, Grade, Bags so what I'm trying to do is to come up with a formula that can sort by Grade & then add the total Bags against that particular Grade and display on the summary sheet.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Software Expert
Feb 23, 2009, 10:16 PM
That's a SUMPRODUCT formula, or a SUMIF, either will work.
Given a choice, I would opt for the SUMIF since it is not volatile, like SUMPRODUCT.
But SUMPRODUCT can be fed additional filter criteria. For instance you could get all the As for a particular date by adding another section.
(attachment with sample)
New Member
Feb 23, 2009, 10:28 PM
 Originally Posted by JBeaucaire
That's a SUMPRODUCT formula, or a SUMIF, either will work.
Given a choice, I would opt for the SUMIF since it is not volatile, like SUMPRODUCT.
But SUMPRODUCT can be fed additional filter criteria. For instance you could get all the As for a particular date by adding another section.
(attachment with sample)
Thank you so much JBeaucaire! That is exactly what I needed...
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