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My ankle is hurts sometimes &is still swollen.
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I sprained my ankle about 5 months ago, I was just running &fell on it wrong. I stayed off it for about 2 days, and it stayed wrapped &i iced it a lot. Then I went back to school. My ankle eventually stopped hurting but now it hurts if I move it the wrong way or if I cross my legs &sit on it. It...
Lump on back of ankle, sore when wearing shoes
[ 1 Answers ]
About November time I bought some new black ankle boots, soft leather and the right size but my left ankle developed a lump and when you push it it sort of crunches. I have quite a high arched foot and my feet aren't particularly wide but some shoes/boots that cover the whole of my foot are...
Sore ankle.
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About 2 years ago I hurt my ankle quadding, I rolled the quad and my foot got stuck in the tire.. I went to ER and the doctor told me it was a very serious sprain, I tore all the ligiments and the muscles were torn. He said I could either have a cast (for 6 weeks), or just wrap it. Since hockey was...
How long does a swollen ankle take to heal?
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Friday November 26th 2010 , I was warming up for gym class, and we were playing volleyball, and after we either spiked or volleyed it over the net we had to go run to get it, so I did, and as I was running ( this sounds funny but it was painful) as I was running I tripped over my own foot, and now...
Painful foot and ankle rash. So swollen I can't even walk.
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I am so freaked out. Yesterday morning my feet, ankles and lower legs broke out into a red, itchy flat almost hive looking in one spot and bumpy in other spots rash. It's not on the bottoms of my feet, but everywhere else on feet and ankles. As it gets higher it spread out in random spots of... View more questions Search
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