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Sharp pain - right foot / outside of right foot just before arch of foot
[ 3 Answers ]
Started in December when I had done a day's worth of Christmas shopping. Pain got so bad that it just hurt to walk / any pressure. Went to doctor and got some pain med - no x-rays / he didn't really do anything other than listen to what I had to say about it. Now it's roughly 3 months later and...
Foot pain side of foot, feels painful but better when I squeeze my foot
[ 4 Answers ]
It is midway down my right foot and only foot massage seems to apease it, but itsgetting worse and hurts earlier and earlier each evening. The central point is midway and for the ultimate in relief is to squeeze my feet down the sides, but that also sends me into agony once squeezed, but the long...
How much per foot should I charge per foot to dig, install, cover and seed a waterlin
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4" ductile iron, 1 fire hydrant, 1 blow off valve and 4 gate valves. Also digging a pit to bore under the road. Approximately 2000 feet of line. They are providing all the supplys. I'm using a Kubota excavator and a 1 ton dump truck. Also making taps from water line to a curb stop. Property...
Foot pain in heel on left foot that wakes me up at night
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This pain in my heel on left foot wakes me up in the night. It is excruciating!What is that?
Live-in converted 38 foot travel trailer with 40 foot framed addition
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I live in my ex wife's older 1978 38 foot travel trailer.I bought it from her,so "we" could buy some real-estate with two mobilehomes on it.I applied for County's Home Repair Grant/Loan ,through the County Housing Community Development.I tried to get a "Statement of Construction from DMV,via... View more questions Search