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I need help.. Steroids?
[ 1 Answers ]
I recently found out my boyfriend does steroids a few months ago, (we had been dating for about 4 months) I suspected it. We have been dating about 7 months now. I am moving away soon and he always told me he would do everything to make us work, I'm only moving a few hours away. But now he is...
Possession of Steroids
[ 2 Answers ]
I was wondering if private possession and personal use of steroids is illegal. I don't use them and never would, but I have known people who used them in the past and am curious about the law.
Doxie on steroids
[ 2 Answers ]
I've written before about Nina, my 1-1/2 year old mini doxie, After 6 weeks of being sick, the doctor is trying her on steroids. Right now she's on an antibiotic and steroids. Since she's been on the steroids, she seems to be getting back to herself. I've been working with a regular vet and an... View more questions Search