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Silly me.
[ 2 Answers ]
I fell getting out of my shower yesterday and hurt my leg and back.. my leg was swollen and I have a mark on my back. I am feeling like a bus hit me today as my whole body aches... should I go see a gp or will it pass...
Very silly.
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I am twenty three years old and I have been married for the past two and a half years. This might sound really silly but it bothers me. Ever since I was young I was always interested in doing all house hold chores but not cooking. When I got married we lived as a joint family and so we had a cook,...
Being Silly
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Why is it when you are hurt by some words or actions your partner said.. and you tell him so, all he can say its - OH STOP BEING SILLY! Is he a bad person?
Am I being silly?
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Lately I've been hanging out with these new friends that are like 2-3 years older then me and they all smoke around me, for years I've been saying to myself "smoking is bad smoking is a disusting habit and everyone should quit!" I've even helped one of my friends quit but know every time I'm with...
Am I being silly?
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi there, My period was 3 days late when I thought I might be pregnant - although I am on the pill I have missed a few in the past month or 2 - then I came on, on the 3rd day late but the next day I have stopped!. Im not sure what is going on... could I be pregnant? Should I take a test? Or do I... View more questions Search
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