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Fractured inheritance
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In 1973 my mother and her new husband did a property division.(inheritance) They gave me an apartment. They did it in a form of sale ($5000) I never paid a penny. The stipulation was that I would never sell it until the last of them died. He died in 2010 and I sold it in 2012. I believe the way...
How do you know when you fractured your shin?
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Yesterday I was playing softball in the field of dreams got a hit straight to the shin... owwww and now it really hurts I see a bruise but when I touchn it or hop it hurts really bad is it fractured
Fractured hand?
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About two days ago I fractured my hand.Today it is swollen 2x the size of when I fractured it.What can I do to help the swelling?
Fractured leg?
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If you have a fracture in your lower leg would you still be able to walk on your leg? View more questions Search