New Member
May 19, 2011, 08:14 PM
Severe and crippling knee pain
my husband has done something to his knee. We went to the er and they wouldn't even do an x-ray. Said it needed an mri. We do not have insurance so its hard to be able to do that. It has been bothering him for several weeks now. He bent it backwards on his trailer hitch and it hurt for several days then quit for a few days. He was kneeling on day on the ground working on his pressure washer and when he stood up it started hurting and has not quit since. He cannot sit in a seated position. Only relief he gets is standing or laying. We have tried heat, cold, anti inflammatorys. I don't know what else to possibly do and don't have a clue what might be wrong. It seems to be in and behind the knee cap. Please help.
Ultra Member
May 20, 2011, 10:18 AM
You need that MRI. I'm sorry, no-one will give you a home remedy over the internet that will fix it for you.
As a veteran of various knee injuries, it sounds to me like a ligament injury, and this is something that needs proper care. If untreated, it will eventually heal up, but with scar tissue and other problems so that he may never have full use of it again, or will be prone to constant injury.
But there are several other things it could be, including debris behind the knee cap. The only way you'll find out is with proper medical attention.
Try sports injury clinics, they are often cheaper than hospitals, and are much more interested in getting him back to full fitness rather than just back on his feet.
Junior Member
Jul 25, 2011, 07:50 PM
In the future you can prevent knee pain by streching your itivial(spelling) band. Stand on one knee and lean forward and put the your weight on the other leg.
New Member
Mar 31, 2012, 06:15 AM
I unfortunately fell at my place of employment due to some careless others negligence. There was no one posted to reroute foot traffic for the employees, no sign indicating not to enter etc. I fell extremely hard on my left side encompassing my left lower back area, slapping down my left knee and right knee very hard to the floor. I have been been in extreme pain ever since this unfortunate accident.
As a result of this fall, after a time of trying various medical methodologies
I had to have a full knee replacement. I have had intense physical therapy from the get go. However, after two years of PT I still am not at a functioning level which includes not being able to straighten my leg, bent my leg, I have a rather swollen knee, (it is a bit better BUT it is still quite swollen)I still need assistance from a crutch, I cannot climb stairs without assistance etc.I still experience extreme pain at times.
I was diagnosed with having a very severe condition of developing scar tissue of record amounts which prohibits fluid movement and motion. I still have to ice my knee throughout the day, still have to execute exercises to try and elevate the stiffness and pain associated with this severe medical condition, still cannot function in a normal fashion etc.
What do you suggest?
Ultra Member
Apr 2, 2012, 09:59 AM
Rosemary, you'd get better answers if you posted your own question, rather than adding an answer to someone else's.
All I can suggest is what I suggested for the original poster, that you go to a sports clinic and see if they can help you get back to full fitness.
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