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Shhoting pain in right ankle
[ 2 Answers ]
My right ankle gets shooting pain and it feels like burning and needels going in and out of my ankle. It started yesterday and the pain goes and comes. I have no insurance because I lost my job, and I can't go to Dr. Please can you help me.
Ankle pain upon standing up...
[ 10 Answers ]
Hello all! Been a while since I've been on here, but alas, I have a question! Back in July (July 17th, to be exact), I was doing something stupid and turned my ankle. It hurt for a bit afterward, but I don't like doctors and could still walk on it, so I didn't do anything, let alone visit the...
Foot & Ankle Pain
[ 2 Answers ]
My husband ( 56 yrs. Old ) fell about 2 yrs. Ago and injured his left foot and ankle he went to the doctors, she gave him a coritsone injection the shot gave him some relief for a little while she also fit him for inserts to put in shoes but they caused him to have more pain. It's 2 yrs. Later and...
Pain on shoulder and lower left ab during jog
[ 2 Answers ]
Every time I go jogging (basically every day), I get this sharp pain at the very tip of my shoulder and lower left abdomen. Is this normal? I have been jogging 6 miles every day for four weeks now. View more questions Search