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My husband has a tattoo on his right ring finger. It is just 2 parallel lines.
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Do u know if this has any meaning? He says it is from being a bishop in a gang. What do u think?** email deleted to comply with site rules**
Ring on left middle finger of female
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Does wearing a ring (only ring she wears)on the left middle finger indicate anything about her sexuality for a single female?
Should a woman wear a ring on her fourth finger?
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Please share your thoughts on this: Should a woman who is not married, not engaged, not in a relationship, wear a ring on her fourth finger (ring finger)? Women I know had said that they wear it for fashion. Sometimes that ring they love only has that size that fits the fourth finger. If...
Finger injury
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I slamed my right hand in a car acciden't. My ring and pinky finger are now bent, and won't open all the way, or go together with my other fingers. There is no swelling or brusing. There is absolutely no pain at all, a little bit of numbness witch seems to be going away . It ... View more questions Search