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I have bruising under my toenail on both big toes only. They are tender to the touch and it began a couple of weeks ago. What causes this? I have no insurance to go get this checked. I walk daily.
Bruising/Pain near my Implantation
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Bruising from exercise?
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Hi there, basically I play basketball 4 times a week. Recently when I play my knee calf and ankle start to ache half anour in, it gets worse as time passes so I just stop, go home and rest it, on Thursday night I played and it really started to hurt.. worse than it has previous, the next day when I...
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In July, I started losing weight and getting fit. I have been doing a great job and I have started to take a self defense class as part of my fitness program. It is a coed class and the females get paired up with males so that we have practice with a guy because it's the most likely scenario. ... View more questions Search