New Member
Sep 15, 2012, 11:20 PM
Nitric oxide
Should I let my 14 year old son start taking nitric oxide supplements for sports?
Sep 15, 2012, 11:21 PM
Why would you?
Sep 15, 2012, 11:23 PM
If he can't participate in sports of his own accord, why would you supplement him with something that could be potentially dangerous and/or illegal?
If you have too much of this in your body, it can cause various cancers and tumors, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, jaundice, ulcerative colitis and arthritis. Why would you want to subject your child to these health risks?
Unless of course you are the child and not the parent asking this question.
Sep 16, 2012, 01:03 AM
Of course not, just look up the dangerous side effects. If he needs to increase strengh, get him in a gym, if he needs indurance, have him running ever night. He increases naturally.
I find it hard myself to believe a parent would even consider this.
current pert
Sep 16, 2012, 03:33 AM
You can't even buy nitric oxide. It is a gas, given to newborns with serious heart conditions.
His body is producing ALL the NO it needs. NO is a vasodilator produced naturally by the body in the amounts the body needs. More is not better!
Amyl nitrite (slang 'poppers') in gas capsule form, and nitroglycerine in various forms, both produce NO. So do ED drugs like Viagra. So they all act as vasodilators. They certainly don't do anything to add to muscle. Just because the penis is loaded with blood vessels that get temporarily dilated has nothing to do with body building.
He is seeing ads for L-arginine, an amino acid that aid in NO production in the body. The pills they are selling are overpriced scams. He is getting plenty of all the amino acids with a healthy diet. His or your money would be better spent on fresh, good quality foods, and maybe a multi-vitamin for about 1/20 the price of those supplements.
Sep 16, 2012, 03:58 AM
Some of those fly by night companies have it in a suppliment to help strength and muscle growth, you know the saying a fool and their money are soon parted.
 Originally Posted by joypulv
You can't even buy nitric oxide. It is a gas, given to newborns with serious heart conditions.
His body is producing ALL the NO it needs. NO is a vasodilator produced naturally by the body in the amounts the body needs. More is not better!
Amyl nitrite (slang 'poppers') in gas capsule form, and nitroglycerine in various forms, both produce NO. So do ED drugs like Viagra. So they all act as vasodilators. They certainly don't do anything to add to muscle. Just because the penis is loaded with blood vessels that get temporarily dilated has nothing to do with body building.
He is seeing ads for L-arginine, an amino acid that aid in NO production in the body. The pills they are selling are overpriced scams. He is getting plenty of all the amino acids with a healthy diet. His or your money would be better spent on fresh, good quality foods, and maybe a multi-vitamin for about 1/20 the price of those supplements.
current pert
Sep 16, 2012, 04:06 AM
Fr_Chuck, please show me a supplement that contains NO.
Sep 16, 2012, 04:09 AM
 Originally Posted by joypulv
Fr_Chuck, please show me a supplement that contains NO.
Plenty are sold by GNC, just to name one place.
current pert
Sep 16, 2012, 04:26 AM
No, they don't contain NO, they just claim to boost it.
Sep 16, 2012, 05:18 AM
It is called nitric oxide suppliments
Six Star Professional Strength Dietary Supplement - Walmart.com
Please don't start a argument over a use of a word. It was the product the OP was talking about.
Note if my links don't work, let me know, I have to use Google though Hong Kong, I can't connect to the US goggle.
So I use, www.goggle.com.hk I assume my links will work other places.
current pert
Sep 16, 2012, 09:11 AM
None of them contain NO. Not at GNC, not at Walmart, not anywhere.
You all can put all the links you want on here, but you aren't even reading them carefully.
They contain nitric oxide boosters only, and that's my point: they are expensive and contain ingredients that should cost 20 times less.
I KNOW I posted this two hours ago and it disappeared!
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