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Vaginal Tear
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Hi, everyone! I'm 26 and I met my boyfriend almost 3 years ago. He has unusually thick penis- and the first time we had sex I could really feel it that is was massive. After some time I decided not to see him again because my vagina was in so much pain- every time we had sex it felt like a...
Tear in penis
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My boyfriend has a tear near the top of his penis!Every time we have sex there's lots of blood,which takes approximately 36 hrs to heal!Don't TELL HIM TO GO TO THE DOCTORS CAUSE HE Won't!
Tear I foreskin
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My other half has been in pain after sex on a few occasions now. He seems to have a tear in the forskin, right on the part that holds it togther (or so it seems). I am a little concerned but wondered if this is commen, should he see a doctor?
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Can may former landlord use $400 of my security to pay a company to repaint and fix small holes created from hanging mirrored pic frames? When he indeed verbally stated, in front of witnesses that I did not have to complete the repairs, he would do them when he renovated the apt.
Use of Tear Gas
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The U.S. continues to fight wars with one hand tied back and blindfolded while our enemies use whatever means at their disposal. Question: If we are so concerned about damaging the Najaf Mosque, why don't we use Tear Gas? Please don't tell me that a non-lethal chemical irritant, still used by... View more questions Search