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Sore hand veins!
[ 12 Answers ]
Last week I played rugby and hurt my left hand, the veins have been popping up and were sore for a few days. Yesterday I played netball and the veins on my right hand have been popping up too and are very sore and feel tight whenever I put my arm down. Does anyone know why this is? And what I...
Palm of hand goes numb and has bulging veins and white and red blothches
[ 0 Answers ]
I have problems in my shoulder that radiates down my arm, my right hand goes numb, under my little finger in the crease a little blue viens pops out at times and is very painful. The heal of my hand under my finger is white and red blotches now since it has gone to sleep many times. Under my ring...
If I use vitamin k on the hand ,can reduce my hand veins
[ 1 Answers ]
The veins on my hands are very visible and I do some arm exercise at gym.and also do house work.How to reduce that veins from my hand and if I wear vitamin k on that , that will be effective ? Shall I stop go to gym? And also house work? I really want them invisible.
How to reduce veins on hand
[ 1 Answers ]
Usually veins of hands comes due to mastubilation
Cartoon with monsters playing sports.
[ 5 Answers ]
:confused: Does anyone remember a cartoon where monsters played sports, I use to watch it when I was little "early 90's" and I can't remember the name of it. If I remember correctly the show came out on USA , the monsters were human like and where in groups and they played sports, sometimes... View more questions Search