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Fat deposits in blood
[ 1 Answers ]
I was donating plasma yesterday. The filter on the machine kept clogging because of fat deposits in my blood. Eventually after about 1 1/2 hrs I was finally rejected because it clotted completely and they were not able to return by blood to me, resulting in a cell loss. I have donated blood and...
What are these small deposits of fat or skin under my armpits?
[ 2 Answers ]
What are these small deposits of fat or skin, kind of balled up, under my armpits?
Security deposits/pet deposits - Texas tenant law
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi, This involves a lease that went month to month and verbal agreements. During tenants stay, they broke several personal items (sculptures, fountain) on the property and brought in a second dog. In the written lease, there is nothing abuot pets. I gave them erbal permission to have one... View more questions Search