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Did I break my ankle or did I just sprain my ankle?
[ 19 Answers ]
At my school we went on a field trip to clean up a giant nature park ( it's an small island) long story short I triped on a rock (super smooth I know) and I heard a little crack or a pop I could really tell but then my ankle got kind of swollen and it hurt to walk so I had to use one of my friends...
Ankle surgery broken tibia/fibula
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi, I broke my tibia/fibula and had ankle surgery needing plates and screws etc.. This was in January and I was not able to put any weight on that leg/foot for 3mos. Now I have a cam boot and have started to apply weight as tolerated with a walker or crutches. I have started PT and am in so much...
How long does a Broken Ankle take to heal?
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi, I broke my Ankle in January 2009, both of the bones and had an operation and got nine screws put in and I finally got a job and during the day it swells up, but on the next morning it is a lot better, any advise what I can do to make it better, besides not walking, I have a job where I sit...
Can I sue my dad's homeowners insurance for my fall resulting in a broken ankle?
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I recently fell and broke my ankle. The accident occurred while I was visiting my parents home. My dad was shampooing the carpet and left a large amount of water on the tile directly below the staircase. As I came down the stairs I slipped on the wet tile and broke my ankle in three places. I...
Switch broken or wiring problem?
[ 2 Answers ]
I originally try to install a ceiling fan with light but somehow messed up on the wiring. There are 3 sets of black and white + ground wires coming out for the octagon socket. It was connected to a light fixture but unfortunately my husband had took the plastic nuts off before I got a chance to... View more questions Search